Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Bane of our Tomato Plants

Can you see them? All FIVE of them? I didn't even know there was such things as tomato worms until we had them all over our tomato plants this year! We have three plants and these nasty beasts just about completely destroyed one. They have been so prevalent that we have to check each plant at least every other day b/c they can destroy a whole tomato plant in just a couple of days! I found these all on one plant this past Saturday morning - that makes at least 25 for this one plant! Unreal!

Tanner sees me bending down and staring at the plants and now he says "worms....ALL bye-bye!" or "no more worms!". That's the goal, little guy!

So...if you have tomato plants, watch out for these creepy crawlers!

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