Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I love going out!!

Tanner just loves to go out! Whether it's just a quick walk or a trip to the store - he just loves to be out and about and to see new people and things!

When he sees the Baby Bjorn carrier - he gets really excited and this is before I even have it on!

Here are some photos of a few of our outings!

Local Farmer's market on a Saturday afternoon! Look how happy Tanner is!!

Contemplating life (and a set of plastic keys!)

We went to a park on Saturday early evening for a picnic!

Going for a hike on Powell Butte!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Some Favorite Things

Tanner loves to see and 'talk' to family or friends on the webcam!

He really loves having family come to visit - like Auntie Lisa!!

"Playing with my tongue is fun!"

Grabbing everything within reach - including the camera! (and he makes this face whenever he reaches for something he really wants!)

Playing the drums with Daddy!

Bringing pure joy to Mama and Daddy!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007!

Might as well start them early, eh?

Tanner is sporting clothes from his favorite Michigan coffee joint!

Mmmmmmmmmm.....Mocha Java!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Little Scooter

Tanner is starting to scoot around on his tummy! He does really well getting what he wants and moving all over with a combination of rolling and scooting - it's really cute!! When he sees something he really wants - he just throws his body in that direction with his arms stretched as far as possible! A couple of weeks ago - he started to get on his hands and knees and rock but no real crawling yet.

"Uh oh...what do I do now??"

"This is pretty comfy!"

Here's another smile for you all!!!!