Friday, February 23, 2007

Big News!!

On February 22 he rolled over three times right in a row!

Here he is right after he rolled:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Happenins'

Hi Everyone!
Lots and lots of fun stuff has been happening with Tanner! He is over FOUR months old already!! He just keeps getting bigger and bigger (has anyone figured out how to keep 'em small?) and cuter and cuter!

Tanner has found his feet:

They are his new favorite toy! (Makes sense...they go everywhere with him!!)

And he even enjoys sucking on them (yummy!!!).

His eyes are still a BEAUTIFUL blue!

And he's still SO happy!!

He is getting stronger and stronger, he can really lift his head!

He likes to suck on his toys AND his fingers, sometimes at the same time! (Best of both worlds!)

Here he is in some cute winter duds:

Tanner's Auntie Lisa traveled to Seattle for work and decided a quick trip south was worth it to see Tanner (and we're so glad she did!!). Tanner loved hanging out with Auntie Lisa again!

Tanner USED to take all his naps in the sling:

But now he is sleeping in his own crib!!! (sans the boppy and toys of course!)

He loves his pal Wheat!! Aren't they too cute?

And one more super adorable shot that we just couldn't leave out...