Monday, December 25, 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006


This and saying other fun words is what I've been to! I love to coo and make ooooh and aaaaah sounds.

On December 13, I had my two month check-up and got my first round of vaccines. I didn't like them much but I think Mama was more upset than I was. We found out that I am over the 75th percentile for weight and over 95th percentile for length!! I'm only 2 months old but I'm already wearing 3-6 month clothes!

My Aunties Lisa and Kim came to visit too - I just loved cuddling with them and I gave them lots of my special smiles!!

Here are some recent photos of me:

I love to be propped up so I can look around!

Tummy time!!

Here I am with my pal, Wheat!

I love to kick and punch the air - I'm getting SO strong!

I'm smiling at my Daddy!

Here we are taking a walk up on Powell Butte - that is Mount Hood to the right of Mama's head but you can hardly see it. (I decided to take a nap.)

One of my favorite faces to make:

NO WAY - I'm SO shocked! (What a face!)

Snuggling with Auntie Lisa is wonderful!

Auntie Kim rocked me to sleep - I hope my Aunties come back to visit soon!

See how proper I fold my hands? :)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Beautiful Blue-Eyed Boy!

I have the most beautiful BLUE eyes!!!

I make funny faces when I sleep!!

Here I am sleeping in my swing - the first time I've fallen to sleep somewhere other than someone's arms!

I can hold my toy all by myself!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

And Growing and Growing!

Hi Everybody!!
I'm such a big boy!! See what I weigh now:

Here's what I've been up to:

I love to play in the clean laundry! Especially when it's still warm!

My bouncy seat is super fun!

See how happy it makes me!

I'm ready to go, Mama!!

I'm close to Mama's heart!!! :) I love going everywhere she goes!!

I like it when Daddy feeds me! (And Mama is happy that I took a bottle!!!)

And...I've officially 'found' my thumb.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Saturday, November 25, 2006

11 pounds and growing!

I'm six weeks old now and getting to be a big boy! I'm starting to get this eating thing down and I'm staying awake the whole time! (Mama is really happy about that!) So now I'm packing on the pounds!

I'm getting longer and longer too! My legs are so long I've already grown out of my 0-3 month clothes! Mama says I'm going to be tall just like my Daddy.

The biggest news is that I'm smiling a lot now - if you give me one, I'll give you a big one too!! Plus, I smile at objects and lights - pretty much at whatever! I'm a really happy baby! Mama and Daddy haven't been able to capture my smile on film yet but they say it's the cutest thing they've ever seen!

Here's some new photos of me and my family...

I like to fall asleep in my car seat:

I sometimes take a pacifier but I like my fist and thumb better:

Grandma and Grandpa Root came to visit and meet me - we had a wonderful time! Here they are checking me out for the first time!

Grandpa rocked me to sleep!

Snuggling with Grandma:

And with Grandpa:

The Roots!

Look - Rogaine really does work! (aka My Daddy has a silly sense of humor and a really ugly wig)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What I've been up to...

Here's my family! I'm waving 'hello' to all of you!

I'm very alert and love to look around to see and learn about the world around me.

I really love to look at my Mama!

My swing is so much fun!

Here I am on my new playmat - much stimulation!

I love to sleep - so much so that Mama usually has to wake me up to feed me!

I love snuggling with Daddy...

And looking at Nana...

And snuggling with Nana...

And Grandpa too!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

He's here!!!

Our Tanner Miles has finally arrived!!! On October 13, 2006 at 12:09pm our 9 lb 9oz, adorable bundle of joy was born!! Here are some photos...sorry some are a bit blurry. We'll get some better ones up soon!

Just a few minutes after he was born!

Proud Papa!!!
Tanner loves to suck on his fingers!!

Doesn't he have the best lips?!?

He's SO adorable!!

I'm so sleepy!!

Mama and Tanner


Our precious ADORABLE boy!!!

Cashed out....

Going home!!

First bath!

About to get a diaper change

Can you stand how cute he is?!?

The boys!!