Saturday, December 08, 2007

Thanksgiving Day!

This Thanksgiving was Tanner's first that he could eat with us (last year he slept in his car seat while we had our dinner at the Czuk's!). So this year was exciting for us to share our meal with him! He loved it! He had a bit of everything!! Turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, jello and a roll! I think he was plenty satisfied! Unfortunately, we don't have any photos of him eating....but we do have some of him while we were at Uncle Dennis and Aunt Sheri's house!

Here is a photo of him hanging out with Uncle Scott before we ate:

And here is Aunt Sheri reading to him!

Tanner LOVES books!

Tanner being silly - trying on cousin Kyle's glasses!

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