Saturday, December 08, 2007

Growing up

Oh boy...Tanner is growing up so fast it seems! He's doing and saying new things everyday! What a thrill to be a parent and watch your child grow and develop just as God created him too! Tanner has been signing the word "milk" for awhile but he has now added 'eat' and 'more' to his signing vocabulary. He plays peek-a-boo and blows kisses - too cute! He waves and says 'buh-buh' (bye-bye). "Daddy" comes out like 'Da-da-ee'! Tanner also says, 'uh-oh', 'Mama', 'Hi-eee', and most everything new is "WOW". If you ask him how old he is - he'll put up one finger (sometimes on both hands!) and if you ask him what a doggie says - he'll say 'hm-hm-hm-hm'. It's so cute and precious to hear his sweet little voice!

He loves to get a 'ride' in the laundry basket!

When I saw this photo - I thought it made him look older and it hit me that Tanner is no longer a baby - he's a little boy.

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