Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Growing up so fast!

Well - even though we don't have a camera - we can still update you all!! Tanner is getting mobile! Yikes! He's rolling all over the place. Just last night he was playing on the floor and was rolling all over the living room! He rolled right over to his Daddy! Now we'll have to keep a close eye on him b/c soon he'll realize that he can go anywhere by rolling and will be into everything! :)

He's doing great with learning to sit by himself. Everyday we can tell his torso is getting stronger - it probably won't be long and he won't need the support anymore.

Tanner loves books! When I put a variety of toys in front of him - he always goes for the book! Of course, he's not too interested in looking at it yet - just biting it and turning it around in his hands.

He's making lots of gurgling noises! We are excited for the day he says either mamamama or dadadada!!

Here's a pictoral look at Tanner's past 6 months - watch how our little guy grows!

The day he was born:

10 days old with Nana:

One month old with Grandma:

Two months old with Auntie Lisa:

Three months old on Aunt Sheri's lap:

Four months on his tummy:

Five months with Nana:

Six months at Multnomah Falls:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.